
Hallooo :D apa kabar ? lama yah aku nggak ngepost di blog ini. Maaf ya soalnya aku lagi sibuk nih, belum dapet waktu yang pas buat cuma "duduk berjam-jam di depan leptop sambil update post". Hehee ada banyaaakkk banget #LatePost nya u,u sampe lupa mau ngepost apa aja. Terus lihat aja nih template blog ku juga acak adul ginih , Oke jadi nanti kalo udah dapet waktu aku benerin deh templatenya sama sekalian ngepost #LatePost yaa . Dadaah~

H-10 UN !!!!!!!!!!

Waaaaaaaaa *screaming*
gak kerasa udah H-10 UN ini. Semoga Allah selalu berada di samping kita, hanya dengan ridhoNya lah kita bisa melaksanakan UN dengan lancar dengan hasil maksimal. AMIN.
Waaa! Sekarang kita udah kudu mantepin materi, doa dan mental juga kesehatan. Udah kudu bener-bener asli FOKUS! Gak boleh nggak fokus-__-
Tapi prakteknya emang buat FOKUS itu susah banget :|
Tiba-tiba hal yang sebenernya "kurang penting" aja kita pikirin. Hal yang bikin down juga kita khawatirin dengan "berlebihan". Tapi ya itulah manusia-____-
Pokoknya, kita harus berjuang sampe titik darah penghabisan. BUAT ORANG TUA BANGGA! BUAT ALMAMATER BANGGA!
Semoga Angkatan '13 ini bisa memberikan HASIL UN YANG LEBIH BAIK!
Semoga kita menuai tanaman yang indah setelah bibit peluh yang kita tanam.


Ingat, 99% kita yang mengusahakan. Namun, yang 1% berada di tangan ALLAH. Dan itu yang menentukan. Jadi jangan pernah lepas dari doa kepada ALLAH.


How to Balance Love and Academics Properly ?


    A student’s life is basically not just about getting good grades, memorizing speeches, math and books. This is something more of an approach to learning, which we refer to as our academics. It has a lot of stages that shapes us for what we’re going to be, most likely until the moment we have our jobs and family in the future.

     Teenagers undergo changes and faces challenges when they reached their adolescence stage. This is when cupid mostly strikes and they get to have special feelings for the opposite sex. They get distracted, bewildered, and troubled with such “first time” experiences in life. They usually give so much of themselves and spend more time with their partners but when they experience hardships and difficulties, they feel bothered with so called “love” and get unfocused with more important things like academics. 

     Love has always been one of the reasons why students get distracted with studies. Often times, some of our parents put limitations in a way that we should not have intimate relationships with the opposite sex. They usually say those things mainly because of two reasons: first, it’s too early to say that what we feel is real love, it might be a mere admiration only and second, we might not be able to focus in our studies.

     In our generation, some teenagers usually get involved in relationships at an early age. It’s something that our parents cannot control nowadays. Some still doesn’t know how to handle things like this so they get easily affected and more likely to experience low grades and poor school performances, and the worst of all, is a failure.

     It’s really challenging to balance both. Sometimes others fail to do so because some focus too much in school, and others are too blinded by love and easily carried away that may lead to pregnancy.  This sometimes resulted to early marriages.

     Personally, I consider that having a good relationship with someone special is one of the tools to make you succeed in school.  However, one must learn how to make it work.  It shouldn’t be a bad influence and distraction. Instead, it should serve as an inspiration to help you excel in academics. It should motivate you to finish your homeworks, do your projects, and achieve your goals in life.

     Moreover, how do we really manage to balance love and studies properly? First, do not use it as an excuse for you, not to do your school works. Your partner can always wait. In fact, he needs to do his assignments too, so it would be best if you’ll help each other out. Plan a study time together, by this you will both have quality time together for learning and it will be an advantage for both of you to stay focus on your studies. Second, learn to manage your own time. Have your schedule for studying, and a day for bonding with your partner. Third, be independent and responsible to keep your individuality. For example, if your special someone has a group project with his classmates, then you should understand that he has also other things to attend to. Both must know that you need also to grow and interact with other people. As a student, you both have responsibilities and these must not be neglected. Lastly, always support one another and correct each other’s mistakes. This may resolve issues and lessen arguments that will help you learn more from your own experiences. Having someone to support and encourage you helps a lot in studying. It boosts your confidence and motivates you both to excel in school.

     To sum it up, I firmly believe that love and academics can go hand in hand when properly managed.  It demands attention to experience this kind of situation but if you learned to balance your relationship and social life, it can nurture a healthy relationship and promote good academics standing. Just remember that both must have to support, understand and respect each other socially, emotionally and academically.

I Wish You Knew

I wish you knew that I have been stalking your facebook profile and your twitter timeline every time I log in.
I wish you knew that since the very first time I have talked to you, sparks have flown away.
I wish you knew that I care and I wish that you also care.
I wish you knew that I always wanted to sleep for me to dream about you and I together.
I wish you knew that I have been wishing on everytime that you and I would have a chance.
I wish you knew that I am expecting that we would be more than friends.
I wish you knew that I have imagined our first romantic date.
I wish you knew that I talked with my friends a lot about you.
I wish you knew that you are all I think about every single air that I breathe in and breathe out.
I wish you knew that you are my inspiration to make it through.
I wish you knew that I also see myself when I’m with you.
I wish you knew that I have been dying to see you.
I wish you knew that you are the reason why I stupidly smile when nothing has to be smiled with.
I wish you knew that you are the reason of my sleepless nights of wishful thinking.
I wish you knew that I have been praying to God that you would also love me too.
I wish you knew that you are more than just my crush or a fantasy.
I wish you knew that you are the main topic of my Tumblr blogs.
I wish you knew that I’m hoping for a fairytale love story with you.
I wish you knew that you are the reason why the words “what” and “if” made me miserably over think.
I wish you knew that I always miss you.
I wish you knew that form every love song and every love quote is all about you.
I wish you knew that I always wish that you were always with me.
I wish you knew that I’m your deep admirer.
I wish you knew that I always put your name in everytime I pray to God.
I wish you knew that you’re my spirit and inspiration.
I wish you knew that I always daydreaming about you.
I wish you knew that I’m dying if you love another girl.
I wish you knew that you text me first.
I wish you knew that you can read my mind and realize how deep I’m thinking about you.
I wish you knew that everytime I think about you and I hope my name ever cross in your mind.
I wish you knew… I wish you really really knew.. that I love you.

"Imperfection is Beauty"

“We are born originals - why is it so many of us die copies?” - Edward Young

I like what Edward Young said. We are all born with different personalities and looks, and that makes us unique. I don’t get the point on why do other people want to copy someone. Yes, they’re beautiful/handsome but why don’t they believe in theirselves that they also have something to be proud of. The beauty of a person is not just found in the outside but also in a person’s heart.

“Assert your right to make a few mistakes. If people can’t accept your imperfections, that’s their fault.” - David M. Burns

I also don’t get the point on why do some people only make friends on someone who has the looks? Isn’t friendship all about the bonding you make? That’s what most of the society look for. As I have observed with other people as I grow up, many people act like everyone else just to be a part of their group or etc. For me, you don’t have to be “someone” just to fit in. You just have to be “who you really are.” It’s better to be an outcast than to be someone YOU’RE NOT. Always remember, “a beautiful thing is never perfect.”

“In nature, nothing is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they’re still beautiful.” – Alice Walker

To be imperfect is to learn about new things, to develop yourself, to learn about your mistakes, and especially to become yourself. Accepting those imperfections and showing who you really are makes you more endearing to other people. BEING YOU IS ENOUGH AND THAT’S WHAT MAKES YOU PERFECT.

“Cling to your imperfections; they are what make you unique.”

10 Sifat Beracun dalam Diri Kita yang Patut Kita WASPADAI

1. Menghindar

Gejalanya: Lari dari kenyataan, mengabaikan tanggung jawab, padahal dengan melarikan diri dari kenyataan, kita hanya akan mendapatkan kebahagiaan semu yang berlangsung sesaat.
Antibodinya: Realitas
Cara: Berhentilah menipu diri. Jangan terlalu serius dalam menghadapi masalah karena rumah sakit jiwa sudah dipenuhi pasien yang selalu mengikuti kesedihannya dan merasa lingkungannya menjadi sumber frustasi. Jadi, selesaikan setiap masalah yang dihadapi secara tuntas dan yakinilah bahwa segala sesuatu yang terbaik selalu harus diupayakan dengan keras.

2. Ketakutan

Gejalanya: Tidak yakin diri, tegang, cemas yang antara lain bisa disebabkan kesulitan keuangan, konflik perkimpoian, problem seksual, dll.
Antibodinya: Keberanian
Cara: Hindari menjadi sosok yang bergantung pada kecemasan. Ingatlah, 99 persen hal yang kita cemaskan tidak pernah terjadi. Keberanian adalah pertahanan diri paling ampuh. Gunakan analisis intelektual dan carilah solusi masalah melalui sikap mental yang benar. Keberanian merupakan proses reedukasi. Jadi, jangan segan mencari bantuan dari ahlinya, seperti psikiater atau psikolog.

3. Egois


Gejalanya: Materialistis, agresif, lebih suka meminta daripada memberi.
Antibodinya: Bersikap sosial
Cara: Jangan mengeksploitasi teman. Kebahagiaan akan diperoleh apabila kita dapat menolong orang lain. Perlu diketahui, orang yang tidak mengharapkan apapun dari orang lain adalah orang yang tidak pernah merasa dikecewakan.

4. Stagnasi


Gejalanya: Berhenti satu fase, membuat diri kita merasa jenuh, bosan, dan tidak bahagia.
Antibodinya: Ambisi
Cara: Teruslah berkembang, artinya kita terus berambisi di masa depan kita. Kita kan menemukan kebahagiaan dalam gairah saat meraih ambisi kita tersebut.

5. Rendah Diri


Gejalanya: Kehilangan keyakinan diri dan kepercayaan diri serta merasa tidak memiliki kemampuan bersaing.
Antibodinya: Keyakinan diri
Cara: Seseorang tidak akan menang bila sebelum berperang, yakin dirinya akan kalah. Bila kita yakin akan kemampuan kita, sebenarnya kita sudah mendapatkan separuh dari target yang ingin kita raih. Jadi, sukses berawal pada saat kita yakin bahwa kita mampu mencapainya.

6. Narsis


Gejalanya: Kompleks superioritas, terlampau sombong, kebanggaan diri palsu.
Antibodinya: Rendah hati
Cara: Orang yang sombong akan dengan mudah kehilangan teman, karena tanpa kehadiran teman, kita tidak akan bahagia. Hindari sikap sok tahu. Dengan rendah hati, kita akan dengan sendirinya mau mendengar orang lain sehingga peluang 50 persen sukses sudah kita raih.

7. Mengasihani Diri


Gejalanya: Kebiasaan menarik perhatian, suasana yang dominan, murung, merasa menjadi orang termalang di dunia.
Antibodinya: Sublimasi
Cara: Jangan membuat diri menjadi neurotik, terpaku pada diri sendiri. Lupakan masalah diri dan hindari untuk berperilaku sentimentil dan terobsesi terhadap ketergantungan kepada orang lain..

8. Sikap Bermalas-Malasan


Gejalanya: Apatis, jenuh berlanjut, melamun, dan menghabiskan waktu dengan cara tidak produktif, merasa kesepian.
Antibodinya: Kerja
Cara: Buatlah diri kita untuk selalu mengikuti jadwal kerja yang sudah kita rencanakan sebelumnya dengan cara aktif bekerja. Hindari kecenderungan untuk membuat keberadaaan kita menjadi tidak berarti dan mengeluh tanpa henti.

9. Sikap Tidak Toleran


Gejalanya: Pikiran picik, kebencian rasial yang picik, angkuh, antagonisme terhadap agama tertentu, prasangka religius.
Antibodinya: Kontrol diri
Cara: Tenangkan emosi kita melalui seni mengontrol diri. Amati mereka secara intelektual. Tingkatkan kadar toleransi kita. Ingat bahwa dunia diciptakan dan tercipta dengan keberagaman kultur dan agama.

10. Kebencian


Gejalanya: Keinginan balas dendam, kejam, bengis.
Antibodinya: Cinta kasih
Cara: Hilangkan rasa benci. Belajar memaafkan dan melupakan. Kebencian merupakan salah satu emosi negatif yang menjadi dasar dari rasa ketidakbahagiaan. Orang yang memiliki rasa benci biasanya juga membenci dirinya sendiri karena membenci orang lain. Satu-satunya yang dapat melenyapkan rasa benci adalah cinta. Cinta kasih merupakan kekuatan hakiki yang dapat dimiliki setiap orang.


1. "Fans aren't just fans. They're a part of my family" - Zayn <3
2.  "Just because you don't have a prince, doesn't mean you’re not a princess – Zayn awww <3
3.  "Our goals never change and our ambitions never change. We always wanted to go in the same direction so we called ourselves 1Direction" – Zayn
4.  In life, we always fall for the person who'll never fall for us, always want things that we can't have, and say things we shouldn’t – Zayn
 5.  "I want someone who I feel comfortable around and I can spoil a bit" - Zayn :)
6. "I don't believe in changing for other people!" - Zayn
7. "How many fans have you kissed?" Zayn: "A gentlemen will never tells" :)
8.  Louis: "If I was a fan and wanted to lick Liam's face, I'd just do it." Zayn: "So you're encouraging people to lick our faces?" O.o LOL
9. "Learn to appreciate what you have before time forces you to appreciate what you had!" - Zayn :]
10. "I guess life always has a way of showing you things u don't wanna see, but the more you resist the clearer things become!" - Zayn!
11. "Remember nobody's feelings are more important than your own so take time to love yourself." - Zayn :]
12."Just close your eyes and enjoy the roller coaster, that is life." - Zayn :]
13. "One Direction’s phenomenal global success is “beyond my wildest dreams” and “crazy” - Zayn
14.  "Don't ever let a guy make you feel ugly because no matter what you're beautiful with or without him!" - Zayn :)
15.  "I have 4 boyfriends! - Zayn #BROMANCE <3 :')
16.  "Dont devote any time to thinking of painful memories from ur past. You cant drive well while looking in the rearview mirror!" - Zayn
17.  "It's weird how much you can fit into a year… and how different your life can become" - Zayn.
18. "No matter how hard life is, don't lose hope" - Zayn!
19.  "I don't want a complicated girl, I want a simple girl, that will lie down under the stars with me" - Zayn :)
20.  "Get on with life because life gets on without you!" - Zayn \m/
21. "Get on in life because will get on without you if you don't keep up" - Zayn! 22. "The luckiest girl in the world would be Niall's future girlfriend." - Zayn :')
23. "I just wanted somebody to tell me that I could sing" - Zayn :O babe… you can sing, your voice is so amazayn :')
24.  "Just because you're not perfect, doesn't mean you're not beautiful, you're beautiful as you are!" - Zayn ;) aww
25. "Just because you have flaws, does not mean you aren't beautiful" - Zayn :')
26. "Would you prefer a fan or Megan Fox?" Zayn: "A fan! Nothing is worth more than a fan" <3 aww!!
27. "No one can touch our fans, except from us. Sorry because we easily get jealous."- Zayn :'D aww
28. "Never live life in fear of death" - Zayn!
29.  “Never live life in the fear of death, no matter how hard life gets, don’t lose hope" - Zayn's motto.
30. "Harry's smile is annoyingly gorgeous." - Zayn Malik
31. "How can you don't love Niall? He's like a teddy bear, you press his tummy and he says 'I love Bieber" - Zayn :3 cute...
32.  "We don't mind haters as long as we have our girlfriends" - Zayn <3 aww
33. "We will never consider you a Directioner if you only love me, Harry, Louis and Liam." -Zayn <3 SO TRUE!!
34.  "Without the fans, there is no reason to be One Direction!" - Zayn :') but I think without 1D, there will be no fans…  
35. "You've got to take risks if you want to find love!" - Zayn :0 awwwww
36. "I thought I'd a type but I don't really have a type anymore. I just look for a girl who doesn't take herself to seriously" - Zayn :)
37.  "I can't swim, but if my girlfriend is drowning, I'd try to dive in to rescue her!" - Zayn :3 aww, so sweet!
38. "Live for who you are for this moment and what you love!" - Zayn :)
39.  "Before you judge people, judge yourself!" - Zayn!
40.  "Before you judge people, judge yourself!" - Zayn :3 sweetttt aww
41. "I would date a model, but I would rather marry a fan or a normal person!" - Zayn :)) 
42.  "A real girl isn't perfect and a perfect girl isn't real!" - Harry! TRUE :)
43. "I like girls my own age too!" - Harry <3
44. "How incredible would it be if we were outside meeting fans and we just grabbed one and gave them a proper snog" - Harry ;3 
45.  "The girls who don't love Niall are the ones who don't know how to choose a boy!" - Harry <3 SO TRUE!
46. "I think you just know if someone likes you for who you are or for who they think you are." - Harry ;]
47. "We're all just a normal teenagers we're not robots! We have feelings and we go through things too." - Harry!
48."I can make your girlfriend scream louder than you ever could just by pressing her 'follow' button on twitter' - Harry :D lol true
49. "I've always wanted to be one of those people who didn't really care what people thought of them" - Harry :' me too
50. "I like having a girlfriend, someone I can spoil or call up in the middle of the night and just talk to" - Harry <3
51. I DIDN'T say that I hate or Taylor is ugly, she's pretty and I love her and her songs with all my heart. But I think Louis is prettier ;]
52.  "I like a girl that has a good sense of humor and not take life too seriously" - Harry :) i can be her...
53. "I like it when girls do that glance-then-glance away thing. It's cute, but doesn't seem to happen to me that often" - Harry ;)
54. "Real Directioners are not the ones who have millions of our photos. They're the ones who love us unconditionally" - Harry :)
55. "I think that if I was a girl, I'd probably have a crush on Zayn. He is just pretty, isn't he? His cheekbones" - Harry <3
56. "Liam wokes up later than everyone else because he doesn't has any hair" - Harry
57. "I think that directioners need The Boys's hug" - Harry. YES HARRY! YES!!
58. "I like the fact that our fans have a poster of us in their room" - Harry Liam
59. "Sometimes I cry myself at night, but it's only because I know I'll never get to meet all of our fans" - Harry 
60. "When Niall shares his food with another girl, we know she's special!" - Niall ;3 I wanna share food with him then...
61. "Every time we go to some country, I take a picture of the fans with my phone and I put it as wallpaper" - Niall ;3 aww
62. "I'm an emotional guy so I don't have to worry about a girl trying to get me to open up" - Niall :)
63.  "I want a girl who respects herself. It means her standards are high and if I fit them then I'd be honored." - Niall :)
64."If you ever spend a day with us, you'll see that we're just normal lads who have a laugh!" - Niall. I wish I could . .
65. 'Everyone deserves to feel good about themselves. If you don't, start. Everyone is beautiful!" - Niall :)
66. "I hate to see a guys who insults a girl or is bad with her. I immediately think she'd be better if she was with me" - Niall ;')
67. "I'm waiting for my princess to come. I just have to be patient. She is on her way." - Niall <3 
68. "Zayn doesn't make eye contact with the fans that much. I think he's afraid they might melt." - Niall ;) ahk so true
69. When we have to share beds in hotels, Zayn and Harry have to sleep in the same bed or they’ll go mad”- Niall 
70. "My accent always works on girls. They like it, I have no idea why! " - Niall <3
71. "Zayn pisses me off sometimes, how can he be so stunning without even trying! - Niall ;) you too niall! 
72. "My eyes, it's the only thing I do like about my body. I feel awkward about it actually" - Niall
73. "I'd rather be a kid & play with paper planes than be a man & play with a woman's heart!" - Nall.
74. "There is no such thing as fat girl. Every girl is beautiful on her own way" - Niall <3 aww thanks nialler
75.  "Our band will never change, we will always be 5 singing idiots" - Niall :')
76.  "I always defend the people I love, even though I'm about as terrifying as a baby penguin" - Niall :3 aww 
77.  "The perfect girl?" Niall: "She has to like our music and support us!" Harry: "You've just described a fans." Niall: "RIGHT!" <3
78. "Everytime I hang out with Zayn, I feel like I'm cool too" - Niall :D you're cool man...
79.  "Fans always tell me I'm beautiful, but no one will ever be as beautiful as them" - Niall :'D 
80. "I'm carefree, Irish and blonde" - Niall ({})
81.  "I can't help but look into crows to see if I can see my future wife!" - Niall <3
82.  "Better sleep than finds a girl!" - Niall :)
83.  "Being single doesn't mean that you're weak. it means that you're strong enough to wait for what you deserve." - Niall Horan.
84. "We will always stay the five singing idiots" - Niall \m/
85.  "There is no way I will hate the fans, everything about them is lovable" - Niall <3 aww
86. "Don't ever worry about me. I'm the most carefree mofo in the world" - Niall \m/ 
87. "When I was 12, all my friends had girlfriends and I didn't. I felt so lonely, so I asked my mum to date me" - Niall :') now you have many....
88. "Age is just a number, who care how old the girl is I date" - Niall ♥
89. I'm really looking forward to the day that I marry a Directioner" - Niall aww
90. Niall: "I hate when we can't get close to our fans!" Harry: "Me too, they need our hugs." AWW ({}) 
91. "Sometimes I feel like i'm not as attractive or popular as the other lads." - Niall Horan O_o that's not true...
92. "As long as we work hard, who knows where we'll end up?" - Liam :]
93. "Niall is always hungry because he has an angel eating inside him. That's why he sings like one." - Liam ;] yup 
94.  "Love is all about communication so we'd go hand to hand on a romantic stroll through a park and I'd by her flowers." - Liam <3
95. "The worst thing a boy could do to a girl is to ignore her while she is loving you with all her heart!" - Liam :') so true </3
96.   "Dreams are like stars. You may never touch them, but if you follow them, they will lead you to your destiny" - Liam :)
97. Harry is like a younger brother, we do exercises together then he asks me to prepare a sandwich for the effort" - Liam :'D
98. “Believe it or not, but even when I’m sleeping, I’m dreaming about meeting our fans’’-Liam
99. "It's literally all about the fans" - Liam :') aww
100. "One of our problem is fitting on a sofa together" - Liam in the One Thing video :D
101. "There's nothing that can seperate us" - Liam!
102. "I smile and think; this is my job, this is what I do for living, and it's what I've always wanted to do" - Liam :)
103. "I try to be cool but I'm not very good at it" - Liam O_o YOU'RE ALREADY COOL LIAM, WITHOUT EVEN TRYING :)
104. "Thanks for all the comments on my smile :) I can stop smiling on stage :)" - Louis :)
105. "Always be nice to people. Whatever how bad they are to you to show them that you are not like them." - Louis :]
106. "You may not be plastic, but you're fantastic!" - Louis ;) aww
107. "No matter how far away me and Eleanor would be, I'm always able to make her laugh and smile" - Louis ;) aww so sweet   
108. What Makes You Beautiful is about a girl who has some fit mates, fair enough but she’s the cute one that doesn’t know she’s gorgeus” -Louis