
H-10 UN !!!!!!!!!!

Waaaaaaaaa *screaming*
gak kerasa udah H-10 UN ini. Semoga Allah selalu berada di samping kita, hanya dengan ridhoNya lah kita bisa melaksanakan UN dengan lancar dengan hasil maksimal. AMIN.
Waaa! Sekarang kita udah kudu mantepin materi, doa dan mental juga kesehatan. Udah kudu bener-bener asli FOKUS! Gak boleh nggak fokus-__-
Tapi prakteknya emang buat FOKUS itu susah banget :|
Tiba-tiba hal yang sebenernya "kurang penting" aja kita pikirin. Hal yang bikin down juga kita khawatirin dengan "berlebihan". Tapi ya itulah manusia-____-
Pokoknya, kita harus berjuang sampe titik darah penghabisan. BUAT ORANG TUA BANGGA! BUAT ALMAMATER BANGGA!
Semoga Angkatan '13 ini bisa memberikan HASIL UN YANG LEBIH BAIK!
Semoga kita menuai tanaman yang indah setelah bibit peluh yang kita tanam.


Ingat, 99% kita yang mengusahakan. Namun, yang 1% berada di tangan ALLAH. Dan itu yang menentukan. Jadi jangan pernah lepas dari doa kepada ALLAH.


How to Balance Love and Academics Properly ?


    A student’s life is basically not just about getting good grades, memorizing speeches, math and books. This is something more of an approach to learning, which we refer to as our academics. It has a lot of stages that shapes us for what we’re going to be, most likely until the moment we have our jobs and family in the future.

     Teenagers undergo changes and faces challenges when they reached their adolescence stage. This is when cupid mostly strikes and they get to have special feelings for the opposite sex. They get distracted, bewildered, and troubled with such “first time” experiences in life. They usually give so much of themselves and spend more time with their partners but when they experience hardships and difficulties, they feel bothered with so called “love” and get unfocused with more important things like academics. 

     Love has always been one of the reasons why students get distracted with studies. Often times, some of our parents put limitations in a way that we should not have intimate relationships with the opposite sex. They usually say those things mainly because of two reasons: first, it’s too early to say that what we feel is real love, it might be a mere admiration only and second, we might not be able to focus in our studies.

     In our generation, some teenagers usually get involved in relationships at an early age. It’s something that our parents cannot control nowadays. Some still doesn’t know how to handle things like this so they get easily affected and more likely to experience low grades and poor school performances, and the worst of all, is a failure.

     It’s really challenging to balance both. Sometimes others fail to do so because some focus too much in school, and others are too blinded by love and easily carried away that may lead to pregnancy.  This sometimes resulted to early marriages.

     Personally, I consider that having a good relationship with someone special is one of the tools to make you succeed in school.  However, one must learn how to make it work.  It shouldn’t be a bad influence and distraction. Instead, it should serve as an inspiration to help you excel in academics. It should motivate you to finish your homeworks, do your projects, and achieve your goals in life.

     Moreover, how do we really manage to balance love and studies properly? First, do not use it as an excuse for you, not to do your school works. Your partner can always wait. In fact, he needs to do his assignments too, so it would be best if you’ll help each other out. Plan a study time together, by this you will both have quality time together for learning and it will be an advantage for both of you to stay focus on your studies. Second, learn to manage your own time. Have your schedule for studying, and a day for bonding with your partner. Third, be independent and responsible to keep your individuality. For example, if your special someone has a group project with his classmates, then you should understand that he has also other things to attend to. Both must know that you need also to grow and interact with other people. As a student, you both have responsibilities and these must not be neglected. Lastly, always support one another and correct each other’s mistakes. This may resolve issues and lessen arguments that will help you learn more from your own experiences. Having someone to support and encourage you helps a lot in studying. It boosts your confidence and motivates you both to excel in school.

     To sum it up, I firmly believe that love and academics can go hand in hand when properly managed.  It demands attention to experience this kind of situation but if you learned to balance your relationship and social life, it can nurture a healthy relationship and promote good academics standing. Just remember that both must have to support, understand and respect each other socially, emotionally and academically.